I am amazing

This is a confusingly amazing blog. Or at least I am. I'm not so sure about the blog yet.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

2nd strange post

Do you wait- is any body reading this? well you SHOULD!!!!
well you don't have to but I need people reading wacky stuff here!
WELL as you know last post was an intro to this blog.
NOW or
now or just OW or does any of wait there- chickens do NOT cross four lane highways but they do teleport across them. now chickens are very strange creatures. Joke of the days are usually strange and I don't post corny jokes.
he looks so happy there. but he is looking for jokes.
AUGGGHHH! I lost the little blinking cursor! OK now is that oh my gosh when I wright or write or rite or right or what ever write it is I'm still writing this aren't I???
well my nose is trembling and it feels like a massage at the top of mount FUJI when about to erupt. My hair is also trembling in the same sort of way! BOOOOOOOOOOO ooo oo o boo?
very strange I thought I saw a ghost behind you. If you like eggs you'll like this

oh wait I got the blinking cursor back!

After the chicken teleported the road the frog that crossed the road (


OK If a woodchuck could chuck wood how much wood would a woodchuck chuck?

Answer No wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood - it would dream of not chucking wood and this whole thing goes into a paradox- like Box A says Box B is false, Box B says box A is true so now you know why wood chuck won't chuck wood even if he could chuck wood.

There was a brown bear that thought of roaming the world but knew that barely even humans could travel the world so he lost his dream. When he woke up the bear was in the Bahamas. the next morn
ing he was in Japan then somewhere in the middle of Europe, Asia, and Africa- like Kathmandu.
We don't know how but we think he stole the teleportation device from the chicken.