I am amazing

This is a confusingly amazing blog. Or at least I am. I'm not so sure about the blog yet.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I unicycle. It's way easier than in all the games, but it's harder than a bike, and we unicycle'rs are making it look easier than it is. It's the amount of grueling training that we put into it that makes it easy, and yet the more you practice the better you get. It's like a bike without the other half. I am not perfect, but It's easy and almost anyone can do it, only some people go 'Ew, That's weird' or 'That is not as easy as it looks' or 'if I try to ride one of them, I'd fall over, and break me head' or 'I'd never be able to EVER do that at all. Never in my life' And I look at them, and I think that they have little faith in themselves, yet anyone can unicycle, and it IS easy. It's like a bike without handlebars. No, I can't juggle, so forget that idea. I tried playing the guitar while unicycling and semi-failed.
The unicycle is sort of a mystery, no one knows who the first unicycler was, or when the first unicycle was made. That is kind of cool. sort of.

Monday, January 3, 2011

'Tis a new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just have one question. What was that dumb question I was going to ask???
So Hopefully you guys have some questions to ask- like What are you going to do here? And why?
I will answer- SOON! Just ask the questions- AND you could be a winner of my next post! An answer!

Monday, October 11, 2010


As you know, 20 people came to my blog yesterday. And I saw NO COMMENTS! Please leave comments. It is my way of having a laugh.
-STEPHEN IS THE MAN stephen is the man-

Thursday, October 7, 2010

now= time-yesterday

I thought that that title was good, yesterday is now plus tomorrow. PEOPLE COME TO THIS BLOG! time plus tomorrow minus yesterday equals now, yet x plus 8 -2x * 3x / 4x = 1.5x. Find x.
Comment for answer. First person to answer, can continue posting comments. -888+888 is not x.
(= '.'=)
Bunny is sitting on bunny
Bunny is sitting on bunny who is sitting on bunny. Bunny, like Jimmy = X. WHAT IS X! B-D

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another long wait.

Sorry. but ya' know that bear from Kathmandu? he got me some how. WAIT? HOW DID YOU KNOW? sorry about that lie. George Washington was found on Tuesday- tomorrow So keep an eye out for him! he was also cutting down all the trees he found. :( I did get a picture! :) only not of Washington. :( See that stump? that is a cherry tree cut down tomorrow! Did you know that I think Elvis came back from the dead? no, really! he did. He walked into me. right? right? anyone? anyone? (stunned silence) He did I'm serious. cross my heart and hope to die. oh. I guess I'm dead. And that Chicken. He went into space after that near miss with the drunk on the 4-lane highway. 1/4 + 2/7880000000 = jimmy! (jimmy = x) DON'T BE SCARED! no one is going to kill you. Now. Maybe later. Record players are becoming better and better, yet the amount of records is decreasing. Just say it with me. "Records are increasing in profits, yet decreasing off the face of the earth! :(" wow. what a crowd. 27 people. mostly me. But I don't talk my self. I talk to you which in mirror sense is me. Mirror sense is when. okay. I say, "I'm Awesome." Now as you know, my words float over to you, and you hear "I'm awesome." You think what you hear in a literal sense, and you think "I'm awesome" not thinking "you are awesome" In other words you pretty much say the same thing. Great way to win some arguments. I use it all the time.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sorry for the wait!

Time flies when you (and maybe ONLY you) are having fun!
I did so many things, I totally forgot to post! I mean like really, I need to say one thing: HALLO! or um HULLO! or um ahem HELLO! ah that is so much better! How many people have came here? please comment! Now Why would I say something about Kathmandu Nepal when it is in Asia? good question. You must be expecting some scientific answer. I really don't know. Now As we all know This one post is a privilege. Listen to music. read a book, or read my jokes. (take #3) When I went to Boston I saw a man and he said :Hello. I said hello hello, then he said hello hello hello. I didn't go to Boston. With a Boston accent say :Let's Party! (be happy you know it's coming!)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

2nd strange post

Do you wait- is any body reading this? well you SHOULD!!!!
well you don't have to but I need people reading wacky stuff here!
WELL as you know last post was an intro to this blog.
NOW or
now or just OW or does any of wait there- chickens do NOT cross four lane highways but they do teleport across them. now chickens are very strange creatures. Joke of the days are usually strange and I don't post corny jokes.
he looks so happy there. but he is looking for jokes.
AUGGGHHH! I lost the little blinking cursor! OK now is that oh my gosh when I wright or write or rite or right or what ever write it is I'm still writing this aren't I???
well my nose is trembling and it feels like a massage at the top of mount FUJI when about to erupt. My hair is also trembling in the same sort of way! BOOOOOOOOOOO ooo oo o boo?
very strange I thought I saw a ghost behind you. If you like eggs you'll like this

oh wait I got the blinking cursor back!

After the chicken teleported the road the frog that crossed the road (


OK If a woodchuck could chuck wood how much wood would a woodchuck chuck?

Answer No wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood - it would dream of not chucking wood and this whole thing goes into a paradox- like Box A says Box B is false, Box B says box A is true so now you know why wood chuck won't chuck wood even if he could chuck wood.

There was a brown bear that thought of roaming the world but knew that barely even humans could travel the world so he lost his dream. When he woke up the bear was in the Bahamas. the next morn
ing he was in Japan then somewhere in the middle of Europe, Asia, and Africa- like Kathmandu.
We don't know how but we think he stole the teleportation device from the chicken.